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book for Greeks and behaviors “The holy madness of modern Greeks”

Published on October 25, 2017 by myhousetorent

A short guide to Greeks and modern Greek culture


To find and get the book: MYSTIS editions

In all bookstores of Crete and at

A walk through the lives of contemporary Greeks, with a
critical look at what constitutes and Forms their nature
and behaviour, what makes them feel different from
others, an overview on language and faith, poetry and songs, history and politics, a glance at everything they love ~ and that they would prefer to avoid…

Greece’s landscape, history, music, poetry and other cultural facets are put into focus to better understand the mentality and behaviors of modern day Greeks. If you’ve grown up with Greeks are married to one (like I am), have Greek friends or traveled to Greece, this book may have answers to some of your unanswered questions about the Greeks around you, with comical images and anecdotes that many will appreciate or identify with. This book also provides a critical look at what forms and constitutes the ways of contemporary Greeks, what makes them feel different from others and a glance at everything they love and would prefer to avoid.

Category: Tips for Crete